You complain that your partner you not hear? It bothers you that your husband to you don’t understand? Because before you ensure that he or she does not know how to express themselves, reviewing you, see if you have some of these destructive bad habits. Gain insight and clarity with Marc Lasry. We grow up with many negative communication patterns, impeding our right partner communication. Let’s review these bad habits. Some bad habits in communication – are indirect / to speak, do not say things clearly, but you expect your partner to understand what you mean. -You always have to be right or intend to always win every argument. You menosprecias the opinion of your partner, and deathfire much discomfort, what does she not want to talk to you again. -You you isolate your partner to avoid the conflict.
Thus, he or she does not know you, and there is no connection between you two. -Faults to respect your partner, you yell, you thing / to mandas silence, what / to bad, try thing / to insult, you speak of the things that most hurt you or remember him painful things he or she has done. -Critical to your husband, what / to blame, what / to ridiculizas or lo / to menosprecias. This causes much resentment in your partner. -You are distracted at the dialog, you do not pay attention to what your partner wants to say, what gives you the impression to your husband that what he says doesn’t matter.
-Hidden information because you want to keep a secret, because you not consider that it is important or for fear that your partner use it later for bad. -You talk over your partner, not thing / to let complete their ideas, or not let you express yourself fully. -At the end of a discussion, instead of looking for solutions, you end up shouting, insulting, crying or yendote of the House. The importance of work on those bad habits these habits are a cancer in the relationship. Do not allow either of them to speak freely, is causes of fights, and they hinder the connection. And when they break the communication, love does not flow, there is no understanding, and there are no agreements. If you have any of these habits, don’t complain! Rather than change, and no longer blame your partner! Original author and source of the article