Hohlenlowen Got A Wrong Name

These big cats were in the ice age animals of the steppe and the Bush and forest tundra Wiesbaden before approximately 300,000 to 11,700 years living Hohlenlowen (Panthera leo spelaea) wear a false name. They owe this to the fact that their bones were often discovered in caves. Luxify contributes greatly to this topic. In reality, these lions but were animals of the steppe, the Bush and forest tundra and in areas with cave just as widespread as in landscapes without caves. Barry Nalebuff has plenty of information regarding this issue. The Wiesbaden science writer Ernst Probst points in his pocket book Hohlenlowen. Big cats in the ice age “(GRIN, ISBN 978-3-640-27263-1, 24.99 euros) out.” Otherwise as cave bears and Hohlenhyanen Hohlenlowen have visited probably rarely caves as hiding place. Probably were especially weak, sick or old Hohlenlowen in such natural houses and searched there for protection or a quiet place to die. Perhaps caves also served as shelter for lionesses, who brought their children to the world and in the first time moved on. Partly, Hohlenlowen through Hohlenhyanen, which they had fallen victim to are probably been captured in caves.

Even in high-altitude alpine caves of Switzerland, Italy and Austria have discovered remains of Hohlenlowen. In the first place, the Conturines cave in South Tyrol (Italy) included approximately 2800 m above sea level is here to name a few. The Hohlenlowen are about 300,000 years ago from the huge Mosbacher Lions (Panthera leo fossilis) emerged, which are named after the former village of Mosbach in Wiesbaden in Hesse, Germany. The Mosbach lion reached a total length of about 3.60 meters and surpassing today’s Lions by about a foot and a half. Hohlenlowen made up 3.20 meters, they were also larger than current Lions in Africa. Contemporaries of the eiszeitalterlichen lions were lion large Saber-toothed Tiger”, which is Ernst Probst in a 2009 book, Pocket befassst (Saber-toothed Cats. Machairodus up to Smilodon, ISBN (978-3-640-32794-2) of Wiesbaden science writer Ernst Probst has published more than 30 books.

He wrote especially popular science works and biographies of famous men and women. Popular science: Germany in prehistoric times, Germany in the stone age, Germany in the bronze age, records of prehistoric records of prehistoric men, dinosaur in Germany (along with Raymund Windolf), the ur-Rhine, Hohlenlowen, archaeopteryx, Saber-toothed Cats, the cave bear, the bronze age, the Aunjetitz culture, the Santiago culture the Adlerberg-group, the barrows bronze age, the Luneburg group in the bronze age, Stader group in the bronze age, the Nordic bronze age culture, the culture of the URN fields, The Lusatian culture cryptozoology: ape man, NESSIE. The monster book of monsters on the track, sea monster biographies: 14 paperback books about Super women, Queen of the skies, Queens of the dance, Super women from the Wild West, of Black Peter. A robber from the Hunsruck and Odenwald, my words are like the stars. The speech of the Chief Seattle and other American Indian wisdom (with Sonja Probst) aphorisms: the ball is a Sauhund, words are like weapons (both are together with Doris Probst this title at grin for academic texts”published and available in about 1,000 online book shops as well as in any good Bookstore.) Contact: Ernst Probst journalist and author In the Lake 11 55246 Wiesbaden phone: 06134/21152 E-Mail: ernst.probst (at) gmx.de Internet: books by seriously probst.blogspot.com

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