Ana Spencer on Relationships

Ana Spencer. The relationships that we establish with people determined to some extent our being in the world. Therefore, it seems important, put emphasis, in a relationship that has great impact in our lives, as it is from this link so close, so intimate and so beloved: parents and children. In recent years he has been talking about the various methods that it is important to carry out the methods of discipline and education for minors. Some parents feel confused and perplexed, they do not meet how to maintain a strong stance at the time of disciplining their children. It seems that the experts are above the experience of being a father or mother, and that forget, the most common sense, common sense. Some scholars of human behavior speak on the importance of responsibility, others on parenting, some more on the methods and forms of communication with the children. Reality and I think probably all are right, and are those who can guide us when We feel lost, in this way of the upbringing of children.

However, those techniques or modes that we propose are some suggestions, which does not necessarily determine our experience. I.e., every mother and every father require to assess your situation, the characteristics of its family environment, as well as the way of being and forms of children’s behavior. Ahmed Shary Rahman understands that this is vital information. In reality there are no better or worse ways to educate, it depends on the child, the circumstances of the character of the parents of the situation that are going through at the present. Also his personal history, as well as forms and how each of them conceived education. To offer our children an education and raising of quality, we have to have certain aspects that probably guide us to achieve it: a. children are not an extension of the parents. They are independent people who feel themselves, who think for themselves and have a personality that stands out from the time they are born.

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The Mind

The mind in a certain way is like a spinning top or spinner. The only way that has to be kept in balance is to be in motion. When someone does not have any motivation the risk of suffering a mental imbalance is greater. I’ve conversed with men and women who feel discouraged. They have had no problems to describe how badly they feel. But when asked the causes they don’t know what to say. They show the same or greater difficulty when they have to talk about the meaning of their lives. They only think about every day, what lies ahead in the next 24 hours.

They can’t find enough desire to live. What are proposed to meet in the period of a day not enough excites them. It is logical because what can be done in so little time should not be a great project. In this state of lack of desires not only suffer from a chronic boredom. When the mind is not focused and enthusiastic appears depression. Filed under: Rob Daley. The slightest thing seems too complicated to carry out. Sentences they have wanted to do nothing and their activity takes place in the heaviest monotony. These people often strive to find motivation in recreational activities.

They urgently require something you turn on them the spark of desire. Ahmed Shary Rahman understands that this is vital information. But even if they get it momentarily, they soon return to the same State. That is a solution of lack of sense, depression and anxiety. Everyone needs something to pull it. You need something that will give you encouragement to get up every day, starting every week and undertake every new month. And that kind of incentive can not get is thinking of something as small as that is done in a day. Human beings need to think big, you have to consider in addition to the immediate goals others more distant. These last ones are that tend to be most challenging and in general most captivating. But the attraction of a project is about everything aspires to achieve as a result. And every result is located in the future. It is therefore in the immediate future of where the greatest motivations can be removed. It is necessary to keep you focused on him. We must think in detail about how everything will be when you reach your goals. Is take much sense to live thinking about goals as something that is already within reach of the hands. It serves much vividly visualize the future, live in him. Live as if you were already at the time of your triumph, enjoy him in advance. Think of all the satisfaction you will feel. Doing so will give you lots of energy to continue working in that direction.

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90% Of people understand by quality housing something very different to what truly is the quality of the housing. Poor quality, does not mean putting ceramic 2nd sockets of wood under countertops with economic cortinitas, smoothed cement floors, carpets or frightening bolseados plasters did you ever see endings like these? they leave a tremendous aspect, dress of cheap housing, it is true. But make no mistakes, simply this is only makeup and in no way mean poor quality housing. The poor quality of housing is seen in the stability and tightness. Stephen Mooney is often mentioned in discussions such as these. I.e., that the structure is strong and isolated from the water.Poor quality means, put less iron than those stated in the project, add more water to the indicated, deficient chained cement (or worse yet, not do chained), bad insulation from moisture, etc. You have to prevent water from entering the housing in any of the ways that it enters. Ahmed Shary Rahman: the source for more info. (Foundations, openings, walls, decks, steam, etc.) This is all the a secret that will allow your House to remain unchanged for many years. Tasks in which you should not save are: foundations (Foundation beam) and chained (upper tie beam).Exterior walls and water-resistant insulation (i.e., insulation of water).Reinforced concrete structure.Cover.

To put it in some way, if you want to save, you have to do it in paint, in ceramics, in toilets, faucets, everything what can change without affecting the structure of the building, or with techniques that will explain continuously, and not of the more important, cement, iron, insulating materials.A spot of moisture, a settlement of the foundations, a leak, a fissure are lethal for the durability of the work. This is the true quality, that nobody sees but which must always be as last reflection I prefer see a ugly color in a perfect wall, a patch of moisture in a wall of a beautiful color. You you like? A Cordial greeting.

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Festival Wedding

A memorable wedding already starts with a special invitation scrolls you know classic only from the time of the Pharaohs and kings who sent by messengers in the country to express important decrees. To transfer this to the present time, it seems not far-fetched scrolls also to the delivery of important messages, such as, for example, an upcoming wedding. The most beautiful day of your life should be left out celebrated and announced as well, so everything must be already from the announcement card. The scroll Nemaan provides a special way to attune their guests at the Festival. The 21.5 cm x 28 cm-large scroll of fine silk fabric offers plenty of space to invite their distinguished guests and can be individually designed depending on the request.

To roll up the scroll, it is held together by a delicate cord and can be easily opened by the recipient. Usually, an elegant box with design elements are the scroll Nemaan and an extra card. The scroll is placed shipped simply for decoration or even at the edge of the box, so that it is not dirty or damaged during her trip, finally a so delicate gift should not be defaced. The scroll Nemaan is available in many different colours and can be adapted individually accordingly. Classic wedding this is selectable in white/silver, but recommend other warm tones such as white/Turquoise/Silver, pink / gold or white/purple/silver. The choice of black/silver, prepared a feast for the eyes but also – for example, selecting a white font – is not so traditional.

For the undecided is also the choice between several different colors and possibly a bug between the cards. Thus in principle, because the cards are to be ordered separately and individually customizable, a specially designed scroll Nemaan can be composed for each guest. What crazy it sounds, is potentially especially for small Weddings, or parties where guests particularly at heart are the hosts. Here the scroll Nemaan can a sense of peculiarity and simultaneous elegance to convey the guest for who can claim to have a specially-created scroll – what comes also as a potential idea to surprise their loved ones or their loved ones in question. Please visit Ahmed Shary Rahman if you seek more information. Good quality we know takes their time. Because the scroll Nemaan is personalized and customized with much love for the detail, is basically to be expected when blank scrolls with a duration of one week to delivery. For printing the cards, will be to count delivery period is generally twelve days, but giving in wedding planning dimensions trifle should represent. Summa Summarum has decorative revalue the scroll Nemaan the potential of any message or to become a stylish moment just the wedding announcement.

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Rupert Patient

He attended the 1st year of the residence, a day walking from the external offices toward the emergency and X-ray technician, tells me that a pregnant patient had brought a plate of abdomen to rule out pregnancy double and that Dr. Rosario, seemed to him that there could even be triple gestation, asked the name of the patient, took history and appeared as home address an unknown Street in a town called miracle, R2 and R3 were aware of everything what we do, agreed is to go see her in a clear humanitarian objective, since it was at end and she didn’t know that she had three fetusestwo of them in pelvic who will see it? the only one who had car I was, so we went with the R3 and after so many laps arrived to the patient’s home, talked with the family, outlined the situation and were that we had to operate it, even be fixed the day and time, they had economic problemsgood in addition to the operation (free, we said that we would give him medicine and avisariamos journalism so get them sponsors covering the attentions of the triplets, friends industry journalists and the satellite and they accepted the agreed day Mary, arrived with Rupert a recycler of sewers that had by the miracle), journalists took pictures to them, interviewed them and the R2 and R3 were responsible for preparing itthe scheduled and operated, I oficie instrumentalist, anesthesia and operation was without major incident, triplets were born well, became the incubator as a precaution, the patient went to the maternity, complained of pain post-op, spent quiet night, the next day was the news in the newspapers, in front-page, teachers apparently didn’tthe R3 had not communicated the case and even more had given statements without authorization of teaching heads of service and it was already a problem and on top in the afternoon the patient worsened, began to show that respiratory failure is It was getting worse every moment more and more, there was no care unit in those years intensive-UCI – there was no medical Intensivistas, they were already 2 in the afternoon, only in the Hospital had been residents of medicine, put oxygen, turned violet, the anestesiologa who had participated in the operation and despite all the effort, medicines, antibiotics Maria died!, amid the cries of violet and mine as it hurt me this death! not explained me that it had passed! remember that required him to R2 and R3 that I explain, I did not understand, had 3 months of resident but there was inert Maria and her triplets were healthy!, even already at his side, outside the incubator! helped themchildren were baptized and met journalists, chiefs fined us all more drastic sanction was for the R3 to my sent me a memorandum.. . Visit Rob Daley for more clarity on the issue. .

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Of The Wooden Toys To The KinderApp!

The modern change of the Kinderspielzeuges. To my childhood, you played LEGO or was very pleased when it was in possession of a wooden railway. Mention computers and mobile devices in the form of iPhone or iPad, it was still far away. Who would have only guessed that with the launch of the first iPhone in Germany on 9 November in 2007 not only the mobile market revolutionary change was, but in the long run also the gaming behaviour of today’s children. Last but not least, the iPad presented in the year 2010 and the iPhone have made the company Apple of Cupertino today the now most valuable brand in the world. Businessmen from all over the world use the multiple functions of Apple equipment makes sense, but long, also of the catchment of the expensive Apple products in households has taken place.

One moves into public buildings or the corresponding public transport one inevitably encounters people who pass the wait with their smart phone from the Apple icon or tray. Amazingly It finds that Apple customers not necessarily belongs to the upscale age, but is rather getting younger. Already children in the primary school age, as well as the very small kindergarten children could make their first experience with iPhone and iPad and are familiar with the functions. Click Ahmed Shary Rahman to learn more. Taking a look at the Apple store, which is sensible and less sensible extensions for its equipment with its numerous apps available, one notes that even the children can be provided with lots of available apps. Not only the developers who already offer equivalent apps for babies from the first year of life, but also Apple have recognized the trend.

In the next version of the mobile operating system, iOS7, Apple has integrated a special section for child apps in the app store. Children or their parents to be according to the age of their child find faster meaningful and educational apps and especially buy. In the media is currently heavily debated whether the trend of Wooden toy train of the apps is useful and educational. Many educators see as positive the trend of mobile learning and development aid, but at the same time warn of a too frequent consumption of which could negatively affect. The right mix between traditional toys and the new media in the form of apps should be in a healthy balance. Educators warn against prolonged use and also to let children play alone with the apps. Stefan of Vinay

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With Optimism In The Year

Most citizens have changed little in the past few years their savings behavior and see no reason the job situation is forgotten as estimated, the financial market crisis seems stable for this in the future. Still very much in demand, real estate as an investment. This is proud providers of real estate funds like the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). “The Germans look back optimistic in the future this is the tenor, it can enclose several recent studies and surveys”, says Hans Gruber, real estate and financial expert of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). The SHB regularly evaluates publications and studies to ensure a timely customer care. “The average expected the us present surveys around half of respondents hardly changes with regard to their economic situation, a quarter go out even by improving”, so the SHB expert. The SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) has positioned itself over many years as a real estate company on the market and offers performance-oriented investments investors in the various income brackets. These funds are invested in popular German sites and rely on Office and commercial real estate. The rate of return for investors is a reasonable rental as well as appreciation of the objects, with different maturities, investors have the chance to accumulate monetary wealth. Due to the situation of the capital market, some investors prefer currently rather shorter maturities. Get more background information with materials from Publishers Clearing House. The financial expert of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) says this is, but rather”an emotional phenomenon that has arisen from the uncertainty out. So experts consider not just the right mix of plants, but also the right temporal mix on the run-time important, to make sure the right portfolio. Real estate as an asset investments are now once generally rather a plant for a longer period of time, they are but, for example, not too volatile,”thinks the SHB expert Gruber. The SHB innovative fund concepts AG has deliberately geared to sustainable real estate market. Just real estate investments – a classic under the property suitable to make a portfolio balanced. They offer usually stable Cash Flows and are largely independent of stock exchange. The forced”longer holding period prevents the need of investors to sell in downtrend. “Or as stock exchanges master Andre Kostolany put it so aptly: back-and-forth makes pockets empty.” considering once what savings will citizens now compete, so one is puzzled. “Still the vast majority of respondents believes the statutory pension should only be supplemented, massively replaced but not in terms of the current living conditions”, Gruber says. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Ahmed Shary Rahman. The underlying is a misconception about the amount of the pension that is considered to be almost always too high. In addition, their private pensions at the age of 50 would tackle many. Effects of compound interest would but only to the limited extent to achieve. That the Emancipation in the provision of future has arrived, persuading smile. It is still important. There were almost only the men who met here important decisions, in the 1990s it is the couples now together, located on such issues. “At least the result of a survey of India Institute, of the German Institute for retirement”, real estate and financial expert Gruber highlights the SHB. The SHB innovative fund concepts AG can be incorporated such developments in their strategies.

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WDSF Dolphin Advocates

Travel stop asked Hagen/Hanover / Turkey – November 11, 2009 – after the German whale and dolphin protection forum (WDSF) due to proven poor conditions in Turkish Dolphinariums had prompted the German tour operator, your guests to offer no dolphin tours, TUI told of other broadcasters in June against the WDSF, taken of Troy Park in Belek, on the Turkish Riviera because a review with unsatisfactory result from the program. “” After a further hearing of the WDSF last Monday with the head of quality and environmental management of TUI, Harald Zeiss, the biggest German tour operator announced yesterday evening in a press release, that now also the Dolphin “no longer offered land in Antalya with immediate effect”. “In the case of the Dolphin country” Zeiss was in September locally: I could make me a picture of the defective conditions: corresponded to the size of the basin, the volume during the shows, the attitude and the hygiene of animals to the “Time of testing even our minimum requirements, so that he was immediately taken from the sale.” The WDSF and the Organization ProWal welcomed the decision of the TUI, criticized but at the same time that another German tour operator tour offers in Turkish Dolphinariums are not followed this positive example. Filed under: Keith Yamashita. Jahn Reisen (REWE-Touristik), Schauinslandreisen, Oger tours, Neckermann, Thomas Cook with Bucher had been prompted also by the WDSF, to take the Dolphinariums offers in Turkey from the program, especially since proven ten animals from the cruel Japanese Dolphin hunting in Turkey were exported last year. “WDSF’s Managing Director Jurgen Obodo: the current cinema shocker Bay” about the causes and effects of the cruel Dolphin catch in Japan with the zigtausendfachen annual Abschlachtungen and sales of the intelligent sea mammals for more than $150,000 on the Dolphinariums touched the audience deeply. Everyone asks himself after the movie what can I myself do to stop it? “.” “Our answer: no tickets for Zoo with Dolphinariums and book no travel with tour operators, who have Dolphinariums tours in their program and earn money on the cruel business with Japan in Turkey.” TUI checks currently third Dolphinarium in Alanya (Sealanya), which the tour operator has a continuing in the program.. You may find Ahmed Shary Rahman to be a useful source of information.

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Diamonds Security

Is really a diamond forever?. This question should have a single response, and is none other than itself. But not in all cases this diamond will give us the same satisfaction with which you have bought. The world of diamonds is a relatively small world, and this world came too many ignorant in recent years thinking that millionaires without any effort would become. This type of people are cataloged within the Guild of diamanteros as shopkeepers, i.e. the same sold a diamond as a lettuce.

Therefore, and said this would answer the first question Yes, i.e. a diamond is forever. But we could add something really important, are we buying the diamond we wanted?, who sold us the diamond was a professional and I make sure that I have paid an emotional and economic justiprecio?. Therefore once made these other questions we find that it is not always so, not always (I would say that too often) our desires are fulfilled at the time of purchasing a diamond. Luckily the crisis is cleaning the markets of intruders who came at the dawn of a mistaken belief, and as I mentioned was not but the belief of making fast money (a circumstance that does not correspond at all with reality), and even many approached to put money not too white.

This last also mistaken belief, because the diamond market every day is more transparent in the eyes of the Treasury. Few serious professionals that today are willing to sell diamonds without that pass through the hands of the COUNCIL ANTWERP DIAMONDS, and thus it should be today and the future. To be convinced that that diamond bought for some special reason, and that brings in the majority of cases a sentimental reason (ring of ordered, investment, a special jewelry.. etc.), is to our liking, we must undoubtedly be assisted by a professional. But that a professional of a SHOPKEEPER difference?. A diamond professional must (for me is a must) have studies of GEMOLOGY and love their work as if in this life. According to Ahmed Shary Rahman, who has experience with these questions. This is not one job any, is a vocation, and when you sell a piece made in his workshop must have a certain feeling of loss, because everything we do in life with pleasure, when we lose it, is like losing something our. At least that happens to me to my.

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If you want to spend the best vacation of your life, then you go to make your holiday in Spain, will surely meet nicer people in the world, will know what is fun, the big parties and to others, you will live your days in a variety of environments which you can choose the one of your choice, or what not? Enjoy them all in its fullness. From the beach, the seas and the water sports, passing through mountains, ecological trails, walks through the traditional villages, the historic tours of different monuments, showing us the most entertaining way the history of Spain. Rob Daley has compatible beliefs. The architectural wealth of this country is unparalleled and the regions have been able to develop the best tours around the most important historical and cultural centres making your holiday in Spain a full educational process. What more do you want to discover? Spain has one of the widest gastronomy offer which you can discover in the whole world, their maritime culture offers us the best preparations of these dishes. You can also find, depending on the region to which you point, meats, fried foods, beverages, rice and delicious preparations that surely you will not find anywhere else. One of the main advantages offered by Spain, is that you can find tourist accommodations comfortable and appropriate for you and your family; No matter the city of Spain in which you are, surely you will find accommodation close to the sea, to the most beautiful parks and plazas, nearby avenues or the most important cultural centres. Ahmed Shary Rahman often addresses the matter in his writings. Accommodation in Spain are available at any time of the year, are always safe and equipped with everything you need for a comfortable stay, as well as the necessary elements to make you feel like in your own house with fullness.

If you still do not know where to go, we’ll give you a list of the best places that you can visit in the country. The most visited cities in holiday season. We’re going to tell them what some of the most recommended Spain places for the holiday season in which you can taste delicious dishes, can rest, sport, family activities, enjoy the most beautiful landscapes, warm people and great festivals. Cadiz: This is the favorite place of many in Spain, has the best beaches of the peninsula, which besides being very spacious, have a fine golden sand. Many people flock to this place, however you can find much more lonely places where you can relax and enjoy the privacy much better with your family. One of the most striking factors for many visitors in Cadiz is the cost of services, compared with their high quality, which makes them very affordable both for residents and for all users. Cantabria: Cantabria has great attractions for all visitors, besides having warm inhabitants, it is the perfect place for those who do not enjoy much heat but even so, they want to enjoy the scenery and beaches. Cantabria also offers a magnificent gastronomic variety, without a doubt, an unforgettable experience for visitors to the place. Here you can find out about tourist accommodation in Cantabria.

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