Professional Career

The less laborious work the people who think about working little or working possible the least already starts catching the route of failure. No career of success is conquered without work, effort, much sweat. The people who do not like challenges, that are not felt blunt, never take attitude in the life and they never grow in elapsing of its professional life. 02. To choose a work because of the amount of money that paid it Has people that they had chosen to be doctors, lawyers or dentists.

But they had not made this thinking about its professional life, but yes they had run behind headings, of status. The family tends to pressure the young to search a life professional that comes folloied of a great heading. She is therefore that we see as many people so well earning, and unfortunate persons with its career. She is therefore that we see people rich, well-occurred but depressive without spirit to work. This occurs because they are having the career that its parents had dreamed and not it career that they had dreamed.

Therefore, never I will choose a career because of a heading, but it looks something that you identify yourself in the reality. Not if envergonhe, makes what you love making! 04 Aceitar promotions that are not adjusted to its professional focus It has people that they work in great companies, are satisfied and receiving a good wage. Suddenly, they receive a promotion or invitation to work in another sector, to gain more and to work less, being a director or manager of any thing. They finish accepting, therefore it is more money and status, for little work. What it occurs is that the person did not think about the work that it would go to play. The person costuma not to evaluate if goes to like them functions and it new position. There the professional career emperra, therefore the person does not have more joy to work. One remembers, keeps its professional focus. You are not obliged to accept all the proposals. He thinks about you, thinks about its happiness. If you will be really a good professional, the chances you will come. you? How it walks its professional career? Already it took some of these decisions above? It reflects. It is its happiness in the work that is in game!

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