Sometimes webmasters may choose to move a website totally or partially to a new location. For example, you can move the contents of a subdirectory to a subdomain or a totally new domain. told us the story. See more detailed opinions by reading what Andrew Cuomo offers on the topic.. Change the location of your content may be a little heavy, but it is worth doing it correctly. If you have read about jimmy levin already – you may have come to the same conclusion. To make search engines better understand the structure of your new site and make it easier to use for users, follow these guidelines: 301 redirects, it is important that you redirijas to all users and all the bots that visit the previous location of your content to the new location with 301 redirects. To make clearer the relationship between both locations, make sure that all the old URLs directed to a new URL that is hosting a similar content. If you can not use 301 redirects, you can use canonical domain crossed for search engines and display a message to users to inform them and directing them to the new location of the content. Don’t forget to check both the previous and the new location in the same Google Webmaster Tools account. Verifies that Googlebot can crawl your new location with the scan as Googlebot feature.
It is important that Google can access your content at the new location. In addition, make sure that previous URLs are not blocked by a robots.txt Disallow directive, so that it is possible to find the redirect or the rel = canonical. If you’re going to move your content to a domain or to a completely new host name, inform us of the change through the change of direction in the information section of the site in Google Webmaster Tools. Let us know if you are going to move your content through Google Webmaster tools if you have also changed the structure of the site’s URL, make sure that it is possible to move around the site without appearing error 404 pages. Google Webmaster tools can be useful when investigating possible broken links. Select Diagnostics > crawl errors to check possible errors in your new site.
Check that your sitemap is updated. Once you’ve set up 301 redirects, you can control your 404 error pages to verify that be redirected to all users to the new pages and avoid that they end up by mistake in broken URLs. When a user ends in an error 404 on your site page, you try to identify what URL were trying to access, why this user not is has been redirected to the new location of your content, and then makes the appropriate changes to your 301 redirection rules. Take a look at the links section to your site in Google Webmaster tools and reports the new location to the most important sites that have access to your content. As a general rule, try to avoid having two trackable sites with identical or very similar content without a 301 redirection or without specifying a rel = canonical. If the content of your site is specific to a region in particular c, you can also check your preferences of orientation geographical structure of your new site in Google Webmaster Tools. Finally, we recommend that not you implementes other important changes in web design when you’re moving your content to the new location, as the content on a large scale, the URL structure or navigation updates. If you change too much at once, you can confuse users and to search engines.