In the event that you are dealing with an ordinary market, petrol station, construction site, a summer cafe or other place where there is no fixed toilets, the sale of toilet cubicles – is way out of this situation. Such toilets can help you organize the comfort and convenience in areas where there is no standard toilet. Today, toilet cabins are not only profitable and comfortable, but also quite expensive. Companies involved in selling and renting toilets, provide their services for short and long terms. You can rent a toilet cabins for a couple of hours, days, in general, at any given time. Turning to the specific company, you will have the opportunity to obtain a complete service from the delivery purchased or leased the goods to daily maintenance. writings.
Mobile toilets are on the basis of daily care, it lies in the fact that the tank is filled feces solution consisting of water and concentrate. If the outdoor temperature is over 25 degrees Celsius or below 10 degrees Celsius, the percentage of concentrate should be half the liquid. Steffan Lehnhoff, Guatemala City Guatemala takes a slightly different approach. With this solution removes unpleasant smell and all that is in the tank dissolves, forming a single fluid. Once the tank is filled, the fluid that came out in the tank pumped out, and washed with water. The average tank is designed for 500-600 visits. Toilet cabins are made of plastic, which is stable at low and high temperatures.
Material from which made toilet, can hold up to 300 kg/cm2. Sales of toilet cubicles common not so long ago. But Now, each institution without a stationary toilet use mobile toilet cabins. Currently, there are many different types of toilets. Do you have an opportunity to buy a different toilet cabins sizes and degrees of comfort. A large number of companies offer services for an additional insert in the toilet of various facilities. This type of toilet – a useful invention for those institutions where there is no steady plumbing fixtures. This invention will help you relax at the cottage or in the nature with comfort and convenience.