Let’s first saying that bank deposits, are products offered by banking institutions (a list of banks in Spain for example). They are called passive, since the initial capital provided, shall be returned by the Bank, together with the interests that were agreed at the time of creation of the reservoir. Today there are many types, but in General can be on demand or term deposits. The depostivos view, as customers can decide upon return of the deposit, either partially or the total, and therefore our money will always be available (liquidity), without penalty, and simply with the notice agreed with the entity. The fixed term deposits, when they are hired, fix the period in which the customer can recover its contributed capital. Normally, exceptions are included in order to recover it before the agreed date, although unlike the sight deposits, here if we have penalty. Besides the difference in terms of liquidity and visibility by the customer, we find significant differences in interest rate being much higher profitability of term deposits.
An important recommendation is to always have at least one term deposit (depending on the term, vary the liquidity also), rather than having it available in our checking account, to thus generate greater interests, while we will have total availability. A financial deposit aims to maintain and increase the money saved from an investor. Deposits ensure by contract that interests and benefits are going to receive. Against other operations of increased risk, such as bag or speculation, a bank deposit or a bank deposit online is a secure way of protecting our savings. The only way that a bank deposit involves us any kind of economic penalty, is not respecting the stipulated deadlines during which we commit ourselves to not touch the money. However even in this situation our money would not be affected, being only penalized in benefits or income that has failed to impact us the deposit.
Whether hiring any of the types of tank (a tank in the short term as a long term), the inverter will be assured that you will get reliable performance. These benefits will be very inferior to those who can offer you other financial operations, but with the assurance that our investment will remain intact. That is, that with deposits not can be losing money, but let win by losing the opportunity to participate in other types of investments. The final choice rests with us. Security or benefits? s always have at least one term deposit (depending on the term, vary the liquidity also), rather than having it available in our checking account, to thus generate greater interests, while we will have total availability.